Thursday, November 01, 2012

I'm going to Jakarta tonight, to attend my cousin's wedding.  Take a few days leave from office and be back next week.

I was going to my doctor last tuesday, and got a good news, my little baby is a girl....yay....!!!

Here she is, she's healthy inside.  The feature is still developing but for me she's just georgeous......^_^
Let's pray to God that she'll come to this world safe and sound and so with me.

See you on February my lil princess.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lama Tak Bersua

Hmmm...when the last time i wrote? seems like long....long time ago. ^_^  Time has passed.

Now I'm being pregnant for the second child, 5 months already, still 4 months to go.  My Son is already on second grade.  Not much unusual things happen in my life during the long break.  Life is just flows like usuals.   I keep bickering with my son on everything, he seems in an arguing mode everytime hahahaha what a life.
I hope this child inside me to be a girl, so we got a complete package, boy and girl in family.

I still enjoy watching Korean Drama but not as before, buying all drama in DVD, I only watch it on TV right now and sometimes download it from internet.

I met some old friends on facebook.  Change to new Handphone model, and my hubby keeps annoys me to change his HP too, hahahha 1,5 year is to long for 1 HP model for him bwahahahah

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cara Aktifkan Huruf Korea/Hangul pada Komputer Windows XP/7

Untuk temen-temen yang Gila Korea dan kepengen belajar Bahasa Korea kayak aku namun tak mempunyai guru dan tidak ada lembaga kursus Bahasa Korea :D

Aku belajar sendiri dari buku juga ngambil kursus gratis di yang selama ini sangat membantu, dan yang paling membantu tentu saja kegilaan nonton drama karena itu akan membuat telinga kita menjadi akrab dengan bahasa Korea sehingga akan memperkaya kosa kata kita tentunya.

Cara mengaktifkan Huruf Korea Pada Komputer Windows XP/7

1. Komputer/Laptop/netbook
2. CD software Windows XP (sesuai dengan versi XP yang terinstall di komputer/laptop

1. Klik START kemudian masuk ke CONTROL PANEL
2. Pilih menu REGIONAL LANGUAGE OPTION kemudian di klik.
3. Setelah ada tampilan, klik ADVANCE pada bar yang paling akhir.
4. Centang Bahasa Korea / pilih bahasa2 lain yg ingin kamu install juga.
5. Klik bar LANGUAGE dan centang 2 kolom yang ada di dalamnya. (bila muncul message klik OK)
6. Masukkan CD Software Windows XP pada CD Room.
7. Klik APPLY/OK
8. Tunggu proses Install otomatis dari CD yg sudah dimasukkan tadi.
9. Bila ada message untuk meminta beberapa file dibutuhkan, silahkan klik browser lalu arahkan pada drive CD Room, lalu pilih file yang diminta oleh komputer.
10. Bila telah selesai instalasi, restart komputer
11. Setelah komputer menyala kembali, lihat sudut monitor sebelah kanan sejajar dengan baris bar START akan muncul tombol "EN". bila ada silahkan buka dan lihat apakah sudah ada tulisan "KOREA"
12. Bila tidak muncul tombol "EN" di sudut bawah kanan monitor, kembalilah masuk ke CONTROL PANEL dan pilih lagi REGIONAL LANGUAGE OPTION.
13. Setelah ada tampilan bar, klik pada bar kedua yaitu LANGUAGE lalu klik DETAIL.
14. Akan muncul tampilan bar baru lalu klik ADD kemudian pada kolom KEYBOARD LAYOUT pilih KOREAN lalu tekan OK dan APLLY.
15. Lakukan restart kembali dan coba lihat lagi apakah sudah seperti no. 11
16. Setelah muncul tombol "EN" pada sudut kanan bawah, buka program pengetikan seperti MS. WORD.
17. Klik tombol "EN" tadi lalu pilih "KOREAN" kemudian coba ketikan pada MS. WORD.
(Untuk merubah ke huruf Korea, tekan tombol Alt di samping Spasi pada keyboard komputer, dan untuk mengembalikannya tinggal tekan kembali tombol Alt tersebut)

Untuk di Windows 7, kebetulan Laptopku dirumah pake Windows 7 dan selama ini sudah bisa dipakai untuk mendeteksi huruf Hangul, tinggal mengaktifkan keyboardnya saja. langkah2nya tinggal mengikuti langkah diatas untuk mengaktifkan keyboard (No. 14) dan untuk menggunakan mengganti menjadi huruf Koreanya tidak memakai Alt, tetapi tinggal mengklik di bar EN (yg kalo dalam posisi KOREA nanti akan muncul "A" mode qwerty menulis latin dan "KOREA" untuk mode huruf hangul.
Catatan: Posisi abjad huruf Hangul tidak sama dengan posisi keyboard QWERTY dan ini sudah ketentuan Internasional, oleh karena itu kamu harus membuat tempelan kertas/stiker untuk mengingat posisi huruf2 korea tersebut. untuk tahu letak2nya huruf Hangul pada keyboard tinggal googling aja "Korean Keyboards" ntar pasti banyak muncul gambar keyboard Hangul dan letak2nya, tinggal di print, kita tambahkan abjad latin supaya kita nggak pusing kalo abjad latinnya jadi tertutup kertas hangulnya :D

Ini yg kulakukan dengan keyboardku di kantor :p yang di laptop musti ijin ma misua dolo hahahha

Yang berbeda hanya posisi abjad saja untuk posisi angka dan tuts yang lain tetap sama.

Good luck, happy studying.......yolshipabo he.....(yaiks ini keyboard hangulnya belon bisa di pake karena installasi belon selesai berhubung ini PC minus DVD Room begh, DVD room portablenya ketinggalan di rumah)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Zaza's First Day of SD

Last monday was Zaza's first day of school at elementary school (SD 029 Balikpapan). I was accompanying him for two days and today I missed it, his auntie replacing me since my boss just arrive in Bpn so must be a lot of things to do at work :D

Okay, starting from chaos in the morning, hahahahha bad habit for waking up a bit late.....:p pushing Zaza to take a bath, have a quick breakfast with me also hectic preparing myself, yep let's go to school.......

Everything is ready, a pot of plant, newspaper hat, name tag, new uniform. first day was only an introduction and there was a little incident of Zaza become the only one who's crying looking over for his mom......aaahhh......dear, that's really not nice.....

Second day was a test, reading, writing, math, English and "Mengaji". it's quite a tiring day, waiting for the turn, zaza was in the middle, he got number 12. Seems he did well with all, he said had couple of mistake in writing (I'm aware of that, he's been so lazy about writing), English he must be done well with no mistake, for his age, I'm very proud of his ability to learn the language only from the TV and speaking practice with me, he's good. as for Mengaji he said didn't make any mistake (Thank God/Alhamdulillah) and math he said he made 1 mistake, but still he impressed the headmaster for his cute way of counting, he keeps the number on his nose, hahahahhaha that's quite impressing, and he seems quite confident with himself this time. No spoiled brat act, whining, I'm proud of him.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Good morning...., I was reading a book I bought from bookstore yesterday, and it was really inspiring. I just realize how bad I am as a mother, I didn't raise him in a good way. Always authoritative, always play as powerful boss and never be friends with him. His actually adorable kid, smart, active (nearly hyper :D) and maybe this side of him which always driving me nuts.

The book was opening my point of view about kids. Yeah in my defense, I practically raising Zaza by myself, his father doesn't help much and no help from any member of our family since we live far away from our family. As a working mother I didn't success to play both role equally. I always come home tired, and every time I get home I just always want to take a rest, watching TV without a disturbance from Zaza. While his auntie who accompany him along the day doesn't take my position as a mother of course, Oh...G.......I really regret it. He's my only son and if I didn't raise him well I'm the one who should be blamed the most..........

My dear Zaza, from today, mommy will promise you to be better. Mommy will act as your friend, mother and the place you'll feel safe. Forgive for all mommy's fault and we'll start a brand new better day.......(^_^)

This was Zaza's writing from his last few days in kindergarten. I never appreciate his works and yet always demanding him to be whatever I want....:(( sorry dear.....

Now Zaza already an elementary student. I enrolled him to elementary school near our house. But I don't feel very pleased about the school. I want him to study in a certain school which close to our old address but it's too far from our home now and since I'm working the drop and pick up thing would be a great problem. I don't really trust other people (for example the school bus/car) Zaza has never been gone somewhere without our supervision. And it would be difficult to check his condition with me leaving for work. My first impression about the teachers on Zaza's school was really bad. They all extremely not friendly (hopefully its just my impression :D) especially when its compared to Zaza's kindergarten teacher which mostly a friendly and kind people. I hope it's just my feeling and they're actually nice :D

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kekecewaan Saya Terhadap Aa Gym

Kemarin saya mendengar berita putusan sidang cerai seorang dai kondang seantero nusantara KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Aa Gym yang menceraikan istri tuanya H. Ninih Mutmainnah atau biasa dikenal dengan Teh Ninih. Saya ini bukan apa-apa mereka dan kisah hidup beliau-beliau ini juga tidak akan memiliki pengaruh langsung pada kehidupan pribadi saya, tapi kok hati saya ikutan tersakiti, kok batin saya ikut berteriak bahwa ini ketidakadilan, dada saya ikutan nyesek....(ah lebay....!!) hahahhaha

Saya ini bukanlah penggemar fanatik Aa Gym, dan juga bukan orang yang membenci beliau. Saya hanya salah satu dari sekian ribu/juta umat yang merasa kecewa dengan keputusan Aa. Namun sekali lagi saya tidak punya hak untuk menghakimi, namun boleh dong saya mengutarakan keberatan dan kekecewaan saya.....???

Saya teramat sangat menyayangkan percerain mereka. Sungguh kecewa dengan keputusan Aa berpoligami yang katanya dengan niat tulus agar Teh Ninih lebih dekat kepada Allah dan mendapat jaminan Surga, owh.....sugary sweet......tapi tetep aja akhirnya membunuh (membunuh rasa cinta, membunuh rasa keadilan, menyakiti hati seorang perempuan mulia yang hampir seperempat abad mendampinginya dalam suka dan duka, mendampingi ketika Aa bukan siapa-siapa dan ketika Aa berada di puncak ketenaran dan kemakmuran akhirnya dicampakkan demi istri baru yang lebih cantik, lebih montok, lebih sexy yang bisa memperbaiki keturunan.....??? (ini beneran komen si aa waktu anaknya sama istri mudanya lahir, ada kok buktinya di TV) teganya....teganya....teganya...........:getok:

Terlepas dari segala excuse yang melandasi perceraian itu, pihak Aa berargumen bahwa rumah tangga mereka sudah tidak ada lagi kecocokan, perbedaan prinsip berdakwah, dan satu lagi alasan yang bakalan membuat wanita-wanita naik pitam "Teh Ninih tidak lagi membesarkan anak-anak dengan hati" WTF...........kam to the pret dagh............

Dulu seneng mendengarkan ceramah-ceramah aa baik di TV, radio, pernah sekali pula ikut pengajian live di Masjid Baiturrahman Semarang, itu saya tempuh jalan kaki malam2 berhujan-hujan ria......rasanya menyejukkan mendengar kata-kata beliau yang bikin adem hati. Tapi sekarang kata-kata beliau tidak lagi menyejukkan malah bikin saya sewot. Jujur saya sangat anti poligami, meskipun poligami di halalkan dalam Agama yang saya anut, saya sangat tidak menyukainya.

Sekarang terbukti bahwa poligami yang dilakukan aa gym gatot alias gagal total, tapi kok ya kenapa yang diceraikan malah Teh Ninih........??? itu yang tidak saya mengerti. Maksud hati menyelamatkan janda dengan 3 anak (sekarang dah nambah 1 anak dengan aa) kok malah menjadikan istri sendiri janda dengan tujuh anak..............saya benar-benar ingin memaki, melempar sendal, melampiaskan kemarahan saya. (tapi cuman ngayal doang, tidak mungkin lah saya berani melakukan dalam kenyataan).

Masih banyak yang ingin saya utarakan tapi dada saya kok sesek, pengen nangis dolo..............

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm pretty bored right now, not much to do at work. Bored with the game and not much to talk to in the forum, Facebook or Twitter :p

I want to write a story, but I think I'm kinda lost the gift of writing skills hahahhaha.........:D I had some short story collections back then when I'm in college, but I feel some kinda hard in imagining something. Maybe coz I'm too old now....? lost my feeling of romance, doesn't feel in love......dry from romanticism :gubrak:

I adore Korean Writer (who wrote a drama script) I think they're genius. They don't have that much history as we do. But they're good in twisting their History (from some "Saeguk" drama), they wrote in many different angles yet it's still looks you know......fine and enjoyable. Why then Indonesian writer can't do that........the drama is full of crap....junk.....something that really doesn't make a sense.

Korean Drama not always that good either, sometimes the storyline isn't that perfect. But why it's still get me hooked.......??? I don't know. Maybe just because they're looks good physically? hahahhaha Indonesian people isn't that bad, so many beautiful and handsome artist too, why I still hate that "Sinetron".....???

Frankly I don't hate the artist........, I hate the story (some might be good at first) but I'll lost my interest after some episodes because I know the story will end up like other "sinetron" the never ending story, the story twist which doesn't make any sense any more. It's like walking in a giant maze and got lost in the middle.........

Sometime, I dream of being a great writer like JK. Rowling........she invent the great story that affect most of children in the world......they practically grow up with Harry Potter......
I was late in falling in love to Harry Potter, I was starting to be a Harry Potter fan when the 4th book was published. It's just because I read the novel my cousin bought and I borrowed it. It's gets me hooked ever since. It's like you're drowning in other world. Not that Harry Potter make me believe that there are real sorcerers in this world, but how wonderfully she create a story that great, so the wizardry world seems to be so real..........???

My high school teacher was wrote a historical story too, but seems the blog has been deleted, is the story already been published or what?

It's raining outside now, will go the bank but pending the plan. don't want to get wet........I don't have a car so it's kind a hard riding in the rain.....:D

Wednesday, June 01, 2011


Theme for today is "blue". My mood seems in turbulence, feeling so sad for just a little thing, feeling miserably uncontrollable and my chest seems ready to explode.

People said, don't write in public media when you're angry, sad or disappointed since what might comes are a bad words which sometimes can hurt, either hurting others or hurting yourself. But today I just want to write something to release some burden in my heart.

Sometimes I'm feeling so lonely in this world, that no one cares for what I feel. People will always consider me like a superwoman, supermom, wonderwoman, whatever........But that's not exactly true. Sometimes I missed being just an ordinary girl, who has a vulnerable and weak side, I'm not always as strong as it seems. This kind a problem was already there, sitting on the corner of my heart long time ago. I'm always the one who took care of everything and every problem in my family. My husband doesn't seems to give a dim concern about anything. He only know how to work, earn money, give all the money to me and I handle the rest. Yeah....was it something good, part of it. I know he's a good man, but I just need a little help in running this family, sometimes I'm tired, sometimes I'm sick and no one to replace my role. In any condition I had to deal with everything. GOD I'm really exhausted..............

I want my husband to be someone I can count on when I'm not ready to fight, I need someone stronger that can protect me. I should not the one who always step on the first every time we face a problem. Sometimes I need someone to be the shield for me, where I can hide when I'm afraid.......

Huft.....this blues feeling maybe related to PMS syndrome, it's close to the ETA of the monthly visitor, hahahah but yeah....this kind a thing, this kind a problem always be my biggest problem with my hubby. I was complaining a lot, but as we can't change peoples behavior I tried to accept it. Only that sometimes it still feels hurt. What a life.........this is the life I chosen years ago, no need to feel sorry.......

I need to

Friday, April 29, 2011

I'm Upset Today.........

This last two days became a disaster of the week. PLN was cutting of my electricity so I have no power at home. It's not because I forget to pay the bill or else, on the ticket they're leaving at the meter box, says rules violation. I'm aware of it, since the meter should be only 900 volt but the developer make it to a bigger volt. And there are 8 other peoples who connect and get the power from that meter box. I personally didn't agree about it but, the condition of the electricity was already like that when I bought the house.

I was deceived, I really regret why I don't find much more information about that house before decided to buy it. I was too hurry, I wish I know it first I will never bought that house. But now everything is just too late to be sorry or regret. I don't like the developer, he's a really a bad man, cheating people and make a fortune from others lack of knowledge and information. I will pray to God so he won't get a peaceful life, I know a lot of people living on the complex hated him too.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Park Hae Jin (My New Obsession....:D)

Hehehe.....having an obsession on Korean actor is kind a routine for me....:p like them whenever any drama got me stuck. And come he is, Park Hae Jin. His role as Shin Myung Hoon in East of Eden just captured my the babes.....(^_^)

Name : 박해진 / Park Hae Jin
Birthday : 1 May 1983
(the Date just exactly same with my son's....... amazing)
I'll celebrate his birthday too next May 1 :D
Height : 185 cm
Weight : 72 kg
Star Sign : Taurus
(same with me......^_^)

TV SeriesMovies
Recognitions(Credit to wiki d-addict)

The following are the Profile of Hae Jin on Nate and Cywolrd Personal Page, but since it's in Korea, it's pretty hard to understand as my Korean is just on a beginner stage....:p
Last news about Hae Jin is he starting his debut as a singer in Japan this February and he got accused to abide the mandatory military service due to the exemption of him on 2004 which stated he's not healthy enough to serve the Military.

But whatever happen I still believe in you Hae Jin ssi.......fighting................!!! ( ^_^)