Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lama Tak Bersua

Hmmm...when the last time i wrote? seems like long....long time ago. ^_^  Time has passed.

Now I'm being pregnant for the second child, 5 months already, still 4 months to go.  My Son is already on second grade.  Not much unusual things happen in my life during the long break.  Life is just flows like usuals.   I keep bickering with my son on everything, he seems in an arguing mode everytime hahahaha what a life.
I hope this child inside me to be a girl, so we got a complete package, boy and girl in family.

I still enjoy watching Korean Drama but not as before, buying all drama in DVD, I only watch it on TV right now and sometimes download it from internet.

I met some old friends on facebook.  Change to new Handphone model, and my hubby keeps annoys me to change his HP too, hahahha 1,5 year is to long for 1 HP model for him bwahahahah

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