Monday, March 21, 2011

Spending Weekend

We're just going to spend our Saturday out, PLN is down no electricity at home, water don't run, so can't really do anything at home. We don't really have a plan to go somewhere, just heading out to the east of Balikpapan, maybe we can find something interesting there......

First we look for "Crocodile Farm" but seems we missed it, so we just go straight up to no where, hahahha and finally saw a big board written "Pantai Ambalat" hmmmm Isn't Ambalat is far away on the borderline of Indonesia-Malaysia? Then I saw another words written on the welcoming pillars says "Salok Api" it's remind me of something. My friend used to asked me to go the beach in Salok Api, she said it has a good view. So we're here why don't just go there and see.........

After like 15-20 minutes riding on our motorbike from the highway (the road is quite good, not asphalt but concrete) finally we arrived there......a very quiet beach, really fresh air, clean, and we found much of son seem really happy after making a tantrum before when we change the plan to go somewhere instead of going to the pool.

Here they are..........

See the clean no trash......everything just seem natural, (virgin beach) :D

Seeing this house, I become wanting to have that kind of house. far away from no where but still has a good access to the city......good view everyday.......what a nice day......

Friday, March 18, 2011

To My Dear Husband

This is the last day before weekend, i had not much work to do at work, so I write some drama reviews on my other blog. My Husband was gone to site and I'm working with my Boss now, his passport (multiple entry permit renewal) hasn't finish yet so he can't go back to Singapore until Monday, since his passport still at immigration office.

I'm still watching some Korean drama as usual, was bought 5 serials and 1 movie recently and hasn't finished watching all of them.

Both my sister in law are pregnant now, we (me & hubby) were originally planned to have another baby this year but since the other two sisters had it too I don't think I want to add some more chaos to the family hahahahha....would be to much 3 babies in a year......:D so I'm thinking to postponed the plan.

Beside that, I'm still has an obsession to go to Korea now. I want to see the world that I used to see on the drama, really curious about that. But with our economic condition it would be to much if I just go there on vacation, we still need to pay all debt and all loans owh......what a mess......

Just once in my lifetime, i want to go to see the world. Going to other country and not only see it through TV's and most of all I want to see "snow" the real one not just the ice...........
So I'm thinking to go find a job in Korea, so i can go traveling while at the same time earn some money. But my husband is really against it. Oh dear.........why is that so difficult for you. I've been married to you 7 years, and will spend the rest of our life together, why can't you just give me 2-3 years for me to go catching my dreams...........????? I'll be back for sure and you know me well, we've been having a long distance relationship since way back in college. Why can't you just let me go for a while?

What i want is for a greater good. I get my wish, seeing the true Korea, and we get more money to renovate our house, or maybe buy a car, things that we won't be able to afford in some years next with our recent salary.

My Dear, please understand me just for a while.......I could accept anything you give me in this life, we're suffering together, happy together, sharing our sorrows together and now you said just don't wish more? I'm just human too, sometimes i envy others who does have something more than us, it's not that I didn't looked down to people who less fortunate than us. I will be very happy if I can help our relatives, I'll be very happy if we do become rich (you say financially strong) so we can do more to others.

It's my dream to see the world out there honey, please remember in your mind. If you can grant my wish it will be the greatest gift you ever give you, saranghanda yobo ah.....