Monday, February 14, 2011

Family Outing 13 Feb 2011

A month ago, we're (me and fam) going to Bangkirai Hill. Tourist destination which is located in Samboja (Kutai Kartanegara) 38 Km from Balikpapan.

Traveling time took us about 2 hours to get there from our home. Depart at 9 am and arrived approximately on 11 am. The road from Balikpapan to Samboja is good it's only took about 30 minutes actually but we're stopped on mini market to buy some drinks and snacks, and gas station, so it become 1 hour. From Samboja to Bangkirai Hill, the road become bad and worse, but at least it's better then nearly half year ago when I tried to get there and going back at the middle of the road, being too afraid to run out of gas and lost in the middle of the jungle.....:D From Samboja to Bangkirai Hill took us about 1 hour since the road is quite hard, we must be very careful if we don't want to get an accident. lucky the weather is clear, it makes the road dustier but better than if it's raining, it must be really slippery and far more difficult for us to go with the motorcycle. Going there with a 4 wheel drive vehicle will be the best choice, although city car is no problem either, but in a hard condition 4 wheel drive is more suitable.

After 2 hours of torture on a motorcycle seat, our butt surely sore :p Welcome to Bangkirai Hill. We parked our motorcycle under the villa, the villa house is "Panggung" local kind of house that made about 2 meter above the ground, so we can put something under the house, or local people usually put the pet in there, but since that's not a residential house, it become a parking location for motorcycle.
At the first we feel like got lost, where is the famous bridge.......we're looking everywhere and can't find it, how fool, it's just a villa area, and welcoming section.

We have to hike about 500 m to the wood to get to the Canopy Bridge, good for health. It's been like 11 years since my last mountain hike when I was in college.

And tada..........we're arrived at the Canopy Bridge......!!!

Look at that picture, it's a bit frightening isn't? it's 30m above the ground and you can imagine if you're falling from that high........but i wanna fight that feeling. I have to be brave, it took us all the trouble and difficulties on the journey and if you do nothing there then it's a useless journey. So Zaza was scared and his daddy too, sure he's altophobia (afraid of height) so me and my sister took a step to climb that tree.

Still a bit scared, but you must go.........

Ok, let's get down and go home............pic says more than words............:D

Friday, February 11, 2011

2011 Already's such a long time I've been neglecting this blog, it's 2011 already. The Year of the Rabbit. :D

Now I'll start to write a diary, just like when I was young.

I'm doing great, my family is too. Had a few bad news, My Grandpa was passed away 10 days ago, and my husband's uncle got sick, Diabetes. So Long Grandpa, I'll pray for you and hope you'll be happy watching us from heaven. And for Uncle, hope you get well soon and no need to amputate your foot finger.

I got my salary reviewed recently, not much difference and raising, count on my hubby's salary for living then :p we still had a debt we haven't fully paid but we're saving to pay it back soon. I hope this year, when we got Lebaran bonus, we can pay it back all.

I'm having trouble with the house, the drainage system for bathroom and dishes washer are clogged. I've spent a lot to fix it but still not running well. Definitely need more money to renovate the bathroom and kitchen.

I spent a lot of my free time watching Korean Drama recently, been buying a lot of DVD's and collect it, re-run it when i got bored with television programs that mostly sucks. I only watch news on TV these days, and the news is not fun either. to many bad things happen in this country. Corruption cases are just like mushroom in the rainy season..........and it just like this country is run by mafia gang. That's really not an interesting story. So better don't think about Government and politics, definitely those thing are sucks.

Better to talk about my current obsession right now. It's learning Korean Language. So these few days I've been spending most of my free time studying. I was bought 3 guiding books from book store, learning in online language community. Korean language is interesting, and not that difficult as I thought before. I was learning Japanese in college and it's kinda little bit easier than Japanese.

Why I look so fond of Korean thingy? I don't know, maybe because to many time i spend on watching Korean Drama, where the actress and actors look so beautiful and handsome? hahahahah could be! I realize that their beauty is mostly not natural, I heard a lot of Korean People do Plastic Surgery especially the actress and actor. But what I like from Korean Drama is, it doesn't has so many episodes just like Indonesian Drama. Watching Indonesian Drama making me so angry, bored, and of course like a dumb. I can guess with the exact result for the storyline, it's so predictable and empty. No value of life we can learn from it, not at all. While Korean is not that money oriented on making a drama. range between 16 - 25 for most drama, it's fun to watch, focus story and when it's end, it's really ends. Here in Indonesia, as long as the rating still high they'll continue the drama until years.......making hundreds of episodes that i always got lost in middle of the story. So go to H**l I won't ever see that s**t anymore.